Is it better to cry or hold it in? About a month ago I reposted a blog which described the benefits of crying. I also attached a short survey, and the results confirmed it is a good thing to express our emotions.

25 People completed the survey, and the results show:
• 17 Felt ok to (most of the time) share their emotions in front of others
• 14 Felt better after crying
• Only 2 felt uncomfortable if others cry in front of them

So, from these results we can conclude that most people feel better expressing their emotions, and few people feel very uncomfortable if others cry in front of them.

Reasons for saying crying is good for us include:

• Releasing negative energy brings balance
• You honour your needs and sensitivities
• It teaches you to put yourself first, despite stigma
• Unprocessed feelings can lead to depression
• It helps for social bonding
• It releases stress
• It indulges the inner child who maybe did not have a safe space to cry

And as confirmed by the survey, people feel better after crying and others do no mind if someone cries in their company (in general).

If you do find yourself in a position where your emotions are overwhelming and crying might be socially inappropriate, it is a good idea to have some tricks up your sleeve.

Quick tips to help us control our emotions:

Controlling our emotions always start with mindfulness. When we are not mindful, it might feel as if the overwhelming emotions start out of the blue. Having a good awareness of our bodies, thoughts, and emotions will make us aware if our “state” begins to change.

Centring, or grounding ourselves, begins with good posture. Sit with the feet firmly on the floor. Be aware how the chair supports you. Relax your hands and jaw. Sit up straight.
Bring awareness to the breath. Where do you feel the breath the best? You may want to try to make the exhalation longer.

Our minds have a funny idea of bringing us the opposite outcome that we want. The more we want to suppress a thought, emotion, or behaviour, the more difficult it will become.

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