What Is an Existential Crisis?

What Is an Existential Crisis?

CREDITSVery Well MindBy Arlin Cuncic What Is an Existential Crisis? An existential crisis refers to feelings of unease about meaning, choice, and freedom in life. Whether referred to as an existential crisis, or existential anxiety, the main concerns are the same:...
The Meaning of New Year’s Traditions

The Meaning of New Year’s Traditions

CREDITS  Beliefnet From ancient times, people have welcomed the new year with rituals to attract good fortune. Here’s a sampling. New Year’s Eve, with its emphasis on romance and indulgence, might seem like a totally secular celebration. But underneath all...
What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

CREDITSGood Therapy Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) teaches mindfulness skills to help individuals live and behave in ways consistent with personal values while developing psychological flexibility. Practitioners of ACT help individuals recognize ways in which...
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