8 Signs a Therapist Is a Bad Fit for You

8 Signs a Therapist Is a Bad Fit for You

CREDITS PsychCentralBy Marissa Moore If you’re wondering whether your therapist is working for you, you can check out these tips to see if they’re the right fit. Solid therapists practice with their clients’ best interests in mind. If you’re in therapy, you might...
What you need to know about PMBs

What you need to know about PMBs

CREDITS By Dr Melane van Zyl Please read this short article if you have a medical aid. According to Law, all medical aids MUST pay for certain benefits for specific conditions. This applies to medical conditions as well as psychiatric conditions. I have (almost) never...
Why do we need a strong ego?

Why do we need a strong ego?

CREDITS By Dr Melane van Zyl The ego has been getting a bad rep lately. Social media often portrays it as the self-centered part, whilst the Self is the good part. We often say, “… has such a big ego.” Kundalini yoga has an asana named the Ego Eradicator. If you try...
Viewer Discretion Advised

Viewer Discretion Advised

CREDITS Dr Melane van Zyl 2023 is a milestone in my career. At last, I am embarking on training as a Jungian psychoanalyst. What a journey it has been! I have become skilled at diagnosing and prescribing medication, but sitting with a patient in deep despair hour...
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