DBT: The School for Emotions

DBT: The School for Emotions

CREDITSDr Melane van Zyl The most effective way to learn to cope with intense emotions Many people present to a psychiatrist or psychologist saying, “I cannot cope,” or “I cannot control my emotions. They have noticed that they repeatedly behave in a certain way that...
How can I prevent another episode of depression?

How can I prevent another episode of depression?

CREDITSDr Melane van Zyl MBCT: An effective relapse prevention program Depression is a common condition that brings great suffering. The COVID -19 pandemic and its socioeconomic consequences have contributed to even higher rates of depression and suicide. Luckily,...
The wounded healer

The wounded healer

CREDITS Dr Melane van Zyl Jung proposed the idea of the wounded healer. Jung suggested that a psychotherapist is compelled to heal others because of the therapist’s wounds. Some statistics show that many psychiatrists and psychologists suffer from depression and...
Why friendship is important

Why friendship is important

CREDITS MAYO Clinic By Mayo Clinic Staff Discover the connection between health and friendship, and how to promote and maintain healthy friendships. Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but it’s not always easy to develop or...
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