by Dr M Van Zyl | Sep 3, 2021 | What's New
CreditsMN Trauma Project Over the past 10 years of my career, I’ve had the privilege of providing, training, and supervising clinicians and students in a myriad of therapies that treat the after-effects of trauma. I am passionate about trauma work because I feel such...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Aug 25, 2021 | What's New
CREDITS HARVARD HEALTH BLOGBy Andrew E. Budson, MD, Contributor As a cognitive behavioral neurologist, I’ve been hearing from many individuals who are complaining of “brain fog” after infection with COVID-19. So I thought it was worth discussing exactly what COVID-19...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Aug 18, 2021 | What's New
In this article we will explore whether there is a sense of community amongst people with tattoos. Firstly, what is a community? According to the Oxford dictionary a community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Aug 18, 2021 | What's New
Credits Evie Magazine BY KEELIA CLARKSON Though based on Greek mythology, these archetypes offer some interesting looks into the inner workings of modern femininity. What does it mean to be a woman — to be feminine? These days, it’s becoming more difficult to...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Aug 12, 2021 | What's New
Headaches is a common problem. I wrote this blog to give some tips when to worry, e.g., how to know when to go to your doctor. The interesting bit I discovered when researching the topic was there is something called a sex headache- and it is not what you think!There...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jul 29, 2021 | What's New
On Day 8 of the lockdown, 3 April, Schalk Bezuidenhout raised the question, “Why is everyone and their mother eating (insert swear word) banana bread?” Maybe you’ve noticed too, but baking banana bread has become a thing! South Africans have become obsessed with it....