by Dr M Van Zyl | Jul 21, 2021 | What's New
Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. This 8-week program teaches mindfulness to beginners, using practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and the body scan. If you struggle with stress, feel tired, overwhelmed,...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jul 14, 2021 | What's New
I have always been fascinated by the symbolism behind tattoos, even if the symbol is a number. A tattoo usually represents something important to its owner, but often there is a story behind the “picture”. In this article we are going to look at some of the reasons...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jul 14, 2021 | What's New
According to the Oxford dictionary stigma is “a mark of disgrace, associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. Stigma is when people judge you negatively because you have a certain characteristic or attribute. A large part of society think you are...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jun 16, 2021 | What's New
The idea of moving to a paperless practice is daunting – or in any case to me. Our schedules are hectic, we are all trying to navigate in the time of Covid-19, we are overwhelmed with technological onslaughts (think endless Zoom consultations, emails, apps, finance...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jun 16, 2021 | What's New
WHAT IS MBCT? Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a group program that was designed to delay or prevent the recurrence of depression. So, although we now include patients who are acutely depressed, the program was originally intended for patients who struggled with...
by Dr M Van Zyl | Jun 9, 2021 | What's New
11 Reasons That Motivate Us to Get Tattoos and Why it can be Psychologically Awesome The decision to get a tattoo is a very individual one. Since being asked to write this article I have asked around why people got their tattoos: professional artists, friends and...