Does your psychiatrist know what you are thinking?

Does your psychiatrist know what you are thinking?

Patients and other medical professionals often seem to overestimate what psychiatrists can know about their patients’ thoughts. Psychiatrists are trained professionals skilled in understanding and analyzing human behaviour, emotions, and thoughts. However, they do not...
What is the Polyvagal Theory?

What is the Polyvagal Theory?

CREDITS By Dr Melane van Zyl What is the Polyvagal Theory? Dr. Stephen Porges developed the Polyvagal Theory in the 1990s and offered a nuanced way to understand the autonomic nervous system, especially in the context of safety, threat, and social behaviour. The name...
What can I expect when I visit a psychiatrist?

What can I expect when I visit a psychiatrist?

CREDITS By Dr M van Zyl Most people are reluctant to visit a psychiatrist, thinking that it is evidence that they are “mad.” However, visiting a psychiatrist can be a helpful step towards addressing mental health concerns, and you should leave the consultation with a...
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