Why are people reluctant to take antidepressants?

Why are people reluctant to take antidepressants?

CREDITSBy Dr Melane van Zyl After so many years in private practice, I am still surprised by how often I have to convince a patient to take an antidepressant. After all, antidepressants can save lives! Here is a list of why people are sceptical and even scared of...
Sleeping pills: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Sleeping pills: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Sleeping pills: the good, the bad, and the ugly CREDITS By Dr Melane van Zyl Sleeping pills, also known as hypnotics or sedatives, are medications used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. Insomnia often accompanies depression. It is important to help patients...
Why do people self-harm?

Why do people self-harm?

CREDITSBy Dr Melane van Zyl Self-harm is a common problem. There are many ways in which people can hurt themselves, including self-destructive behaviours such as lying, stealing, or watching pornography. Healthcare providers are often faced with teenagers or adults...
Medication and Surgery for Weight Loss

Medication and Surgery for Weight Loss

CREDITS By Dr Melane van Zyl Patients often ask for a prescription to help them loose weight. Psychiatric medications also are often to blame for weight gain. I have found this advice from the NHS’ (UK) website. There are other medications available for weight loss,...
8 Signs a Therapist Is a Bad Fit for You

8 Signs a Therapist Is a Bad Fit for You

CREDITS PsychCentralBy Marissa Moore If you’re wondering whether your therapist is working for you, you can check out these tips to see if they’re the right fit. Solid therapists practice with their clients’ best interests in mind. If you’re in therapy, you might...
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