The sufferers of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are well aware of the dark side of living with this disorder. To have BPD is to be confronted daily and without release through the years to an unstable mood, unregulated emotions, and a fear of rejection- as well as a whole lot of other symptoms that can make life unbearable.
I am busy studying the Enneagram, and I noticed that a type 6 on the Enneagram could also have a lot of opposing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Type 6’s also want to feel supported and look for people they cannot trust. There is also a subtype of 6 called the counterphobic 6. There is a type 6 that acts like a type 8 (bold, assertive, strong). All the Enneagram types have positive and negative attributes, and each type has one of three basic fears/shadows. I was impressed on how our tutor presented the struggles of a type 6 with much compassion and non- judgement.
I am interested in the Eastern philosophies, which place a lot of emphasis on integrating opposites. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is built on Eastern Philosophies and works well to help those suffering from BPD. So, I thought type 6’s on the Enneagram might be “fortunate” in the sense that their dilemma (integrating opposites) is not impossible to overcome.
I then wondered whether there might be any benefits to having BPD.
I did a bit of research on the internet and here is a list of potential benefits:
1. Resilience (1)
People with BPD are tough. They often have survived multiple suicide attempts, addictions, self-harm, and impulsive behaviors.
2. Empathetic (1)
They care very deeply about others.
3. Creative (1)
Just like those with ADHD, BPD sufferers are creative. They often draw or paint. They surprise others with what they can come up.
4. Intuitive (1)
BPD sufferers are extremely sensitive to things in their environment and can notice subtle things that others can not.
5. Passionate and loyal (1)
They are usually loyal to those they love, even when they give mixed messages. They passionately express their love.
6. Bold (2)
People with BPD are not scared! They might go too far and get hurt, but they are bold.
7. Protective (2)
They are highly protective of those close to them.
8. Hope (2)
Despite all their troubles, they remain hopeful.
Everything in life has polarities, and nothing is only good or bad. I hope this article will bring a bit of a different perspective and hope to those with BPD.
To learn more about our outpatient DBT program click here
1. Embrace the Benefits of Borderline Personality Disorder,
2. Strengths and Qualities of BPD,