The belly of the whale

The belly of the whale

In The Hero with thousand faces, Joseph Campbell’s famous book, the belly of the whale is the fifth stage which the hero has to survive on his (or her) quest. Soon after the hero has departed on his quest, he falls into the belly of the whale. The hero accepted the...
What are Archetypes

What are Archetypes

What are Archetypesby Scott Jeffrey Archetypes are everywhere.They are guiding, inspiring, possessing, ruling, and living through us each day.Archetypes influence 99% of human behavior.It’s not a question of whether archetypes are influencing your behavior; it’s a...
Is the DSM-5-TR an Improvement on the DMS-5?

Is the DSM-5-TR an Improvement on the DMS-5?

Is the DSM-5-TR an Improvement on the DMS-5? The much-anticipated DSM-5-TR have been released, and we are wondering whether it will be an improvement on the disappointing DSM-5. Here are two articles that appeared recently in the, and the answer...
What Is Yoga Nidra?

What Is Yoga Nidra?

CREDITS Cleveland Clinic So, flowing and holding poses in a heated room isn’t your thing. Fair enough. But don’t give up on yoga quite yet. Did you know that there’s a style of yoga that just involves relaxing on a mat, blanket or even your bed? Interested now? We’ll...
The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

CREDITS VeryWell Mind By Katharina Star, PhD Physical exercise can play an important role in mental well-being and can even relieve symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. While the physical health benefits of exercise are frequently...
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